GESUND und sorglos NASCHEN: Die Snackbaron-Box enthält gesunde Snacks

Verfasst von Roul Radeke. Zuletzt aktualisiert am 13 Januar, 2025
Lesezeit Minuten.
SnackBaron, das Startup-Unternehmen von Zainab Shah, schickt Euch gesunde Knabbereien der etwas anderen Art nach Hause. Ob Gemüsechips, Energieriegel aus der Frucht des Affenbrotbaums oder getrocknete Fleischstreifen vom Biorind mit Mangos und Cranberrys. Zainab Shah möchte mit Ihrem Snackkonzept weg vom Image der kalorienreichen Snacks und gesunde, energetisierende und schmackhafte Snacks anbieten. Wir haben uns mit Zainab über den SnackBaron und das Gründen unterhalten - heute mal auf Englisch;)  

Which suggestions would you give to young entrepreneurs?

Nobody knows what they are doing just do your thing and do it good. And don’t try being perfect and don’t worry about making mistakes because otherwise you won’t learn. If you think that success will make you happy, it most likely won’t. Only you can make you happy. So be happy while you’re trying to achieve greatness. Take time for yourself and be proud of all that you have achieved in your present and enjoy the roller-coaster ride of being an Entrepreneur.

What were your top 3 biggest learnings as an entrepreneur?

First, everything that you have learnt about “Starting Lean” is true. You should always start lean. Don’t do massive investment at the start until and unless you have at least 10 years of experience in being an entrepreneur. Invest minimum at the Start.

Secondly, if you think that you’re going to have a line of customers at the very first month of your start then you are most probably wrong. That is what I thought. But in reality, as long as you don’t have a huge marketing budget it is going to be an art getting new customers.


Zainab Shah, Founder of SnackBaron

Thirdly, quality is everything. If you don’t compromise in the quality of your product or services then in long term it will help you achieve your Sales targets because customers will start following you instead you following them.

What is your business model?

My company’s model is subscription based. The idea behind the company is to provide healthy snacks for grownups and for children so they don’t have to go looking for healthy snacks in every supermarket. They come fine packed direct to your House door. And you can Snack without feeling guilty about what you have eaten. You can relax put your feet up on your table and Snack Healthy.

How did your business idea become a reality?

Well, first it took a lot of time to think of an idea, test the idea and find out if it’s actually feasible or not. I have been thinking about the “Right Idea” for years. Then it took me at least half a year to educate myself and to get everything in place before I actually did startup.

What’s special about your company SnackBaron?

It’s positioning. We have positioned ourselves on the basis of “Snacks only” and Germany’s biggest trend “Health“ for the normal public. Which makes us unique. And we offer a solution that is we make your Snack time healthier for you by offering you the healthiest and tastiest snacks. And you don’t need to go “Snack Hunting” anymore because we deliver your snacks to your door.

Kidsbox von SnackBaron, snack box, gesunde snacks, studentenfutter, partysnacks

Die Kidsbox von SnackBaron

Did you work fulltime from the start of your work?

I am a mom of 2 and my little girl was 8 months old when I was starting my firm. So I did work fulltime from the start onwards because I did not have to work. Now I am taking care of my kids both under 4 and trying to make a company be successful. My hands are really full.

How does your weekly schedule look like?

Very, very busy. If you are a working mom you know how much time kids take. I work in the morning when I have some time away from my older kid. I take my kids out almost every afternoon then I work at nights. Saturday and Sunday are again my time to get things done that I have to complete. And not to forget the house chores.

Where do you see SnackBaron in the next 5 years?

I have planned a lot for the next 5 years. I don’t want my company to stay small that I never wanted from the start. I remind myself every day that I left my country so “I as a woman” can achieve greater things in Germany that I could have never been able to achieve at my Homeland. Therefore, it is very important for me to make my mark otherwise I won’t do justice to the freedom that Germany offers to me.

Herzlichen Dank für das Interview! Wir wünschen Dir weiterhin viel Erfolg und freuen uns jetzt schon darauf Neues von Dir und SnackBaron zu hören!

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